Latest trends of Hawaii COVID-19 new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths – updated daily
Govt/NGO Sources
Citizen Efforts
Latest COVID-19 Updates
What are Hawaii’s people like during Corona virus lockdown?
How does Hawaii's "Aloha Spirit" play out during these Corona-virus lockdown times? I take a few minutes to point out [...]
How will Hawaii real estate get affected by Corona-virus?
Today I'm launching a new YouTube Channel focusing on Hawaii real estate. If you're considering buying a home in Hawaii, [...]
Hawaii COVID-19 Update for 4/29/2020
Look at the yellow bars chart - we only have a handful of people still in isolation. Dept of Health [...]
April Corona-Virus in Hawaii – we’re still closed!
I figured a month is long enough since my last Corona Virus update - here's where things are at in [...]
4 Reasons why you should NOT visit Hawaii during the Corona-Virus outbreak!
This video follows our guest op-ed on the topic of whether you should come to Hawaii during the Corona-virus outbreak [...]
Hawaii COVID-19 Update for 4/23/2020
These charts are now almost the same day after day. I'm going to change the cadence from 1x/day to every [...]